
Forest School in School

We provide forest school sessions for schools. These take place on the school site or in a suitable area nearby. We are also able to offer coastal sessions at the beach, and sessions through the medium of Welsh.

Learning through play

When you are having fun, learning is easy and has a greater impact. Through play children learn how to communicate and co-operate with others, utilise different materials, find different ways to move their bodies and use all their senses to experience their environment.

Connecting with our world

I know I have done a good job when there is delight in finding a worm or I'm told how a pile of logs has been left in the garden for the beetles and woodlice. We learn about ecosystems and food webs, and how we can add to rather than detract from nature. At each site, we monitor our environmental impact and with the learners, produce a plan to maintain and enhance the land we are using.

Developing new skills

It might be using knives or lighting a fire, or figuring out how to roll down a bank or balance on a beam: these are all skills that can be developed through forest school. Importantly, they all involve strengthening resilience, managing risk and building confidence. We discuss how to go about things safely, providing scaffolding and support where needed so that the children can be as independent as possible. 

Interested in forest school for your school?

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